Convert hundred-cubic foot/minute to barrel (US)/second

How to Convert hundred-cubic foot/minute to barrel (US)/second

To convert hundred-cubic foot/minute to barrel (US)/second , the formula is used,
1Hundred-Cubic FootMinute=0.237Barrel/1Second
where the hundred-cubic foot/minute to barrel (US)/second value is substituted to get the answer from Flow Converter.
1 hundred-cubic foot/minute
0.2968 barrel (US)/second
1 barrel (US)/second
3.3687 hundred-cubic foot/minute
Example: convert 15 hundred-cubic foot/minute to barrel (US)/second:
15 hundred-cubic foot/minute
0.2968 barrel (US)/second
4.4527 barrel (US)/second

hundred-cubic foot/minute to barrel (US)/second Conversion Table

hundred-cubic foot/minutebarrel (US)/second
0.01 hundred-cubic foot/minute0.00296846 barrel (US)/second
0.1 hundred-cubic foot/minute0.029684601 barrel (US)/second
1 hundred-cubic foot/minute0.296846011 barrel (US)/second
2 hundred-cubic foot/minute0.593692022 barrel (US)/second
3 hundred-cubic foot/minute0.890538033 barrel (US)/second
5 hundred-cubic foot/minute1.484230056 barrel (US)/second
10 hundred-cubic foot/minute2.968460111 barrel (US)/second
20 hundred-cubic foot/minute5.936920223 barrel (US)/second
50 hundred-cubic foot/minute14.84230056 barrel (US)/second
100 hundred-cubic foot/minute29.68460111 barrel (US)/second
1000 hundred-cubic foot/minute296.8460111 barrel (US)/second

Popular Unit Conversions Flow

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Convert hundred-cubic foot/minute to Other Flow Units